What was once a site dedicated to Konad stamping nail designs...is now a site dedicated to sharing my new designs on custom press on nails!

Sunday, July 26, 2009
FREE Konad B Kit! Enter to Win it HERE!
As you can see, the B kit is pretty awesome. It would be a great starter kit for those of you who don't already have Konad, and a super addition to your current collection if you already have Konad.
Anyone can enter! Just follow the simple steps....& goodluck!
BTW...this SHOULD go with out saying-but sadly not so: Only ONE entry per person....& non-bloggers, USE YOUR OWN IMAGES! It's really uncool of you to STEAL someone elses work. Really?...REALLY!
Oh yeah, & your entry won't count anyway...as I will delete it :0)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Lace Leopard Trim
Here it is! And as I promised Sweet Little Angel , I posted my version of this same image-that we BOTH independently decided to stamp on the diag! (click the link above to see her version) Great minds...right?
What you will need. One base color, an accent color, a color for the stamp & image plate m57.
The steps:
1. Paint Base coat. Here I used China Glaze in Watermelon Rind
2. Paint accent color on a diagonal...paint the line just as thick as the brush-not too wide! You want it to fit INSIDE the lace "track" Here I used Savvy in Deep Amethyst
3. Stamp image from plate m57 OVER the accent stripe. Run it over the stripe like a track? Does that make sense? It is easier to do than to explain!
Oh...don't forget the toes! here I used the same colors...just a different image.
For my toes, I used plate m50. I first paintedthe base coat. Then, I painted an X in the middle of each toe in the accent color. Stamp the butterfly over the X. I used the big butterfly one on the big toe, and the smaller butterfly on the other toes.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Konad "B" Kit Give Away Contest
The contest starts today, and will continue for 2 weeks. If you are reading this...you can enter to win (yes, even the BIG blog owners)! You have until Wednesday August 5th to enter. The winner will be randomly drawn "from a hat" and announced Friday August 7th right here! The winner will receive the full Konad "B" Kit compliments of Kathleen & ocnailart.com
Contestant entry rules to follow......but first, let me show you what the lucky winner will get!

The B Kit includes
* 4 Image Plates
* 3 Special Polishes (11 mL / 0.35 Fl.Oz)
* 1 Stamp
* 1 Scraper
Image Plates: M4, M8, M15, M21
Special Polish: White, Red, Green
Here is a closer look at the plates included. Here are some examples of Konadicures I have done with image plate m4
So, this is how to enter to win:
1. Create a NEW POST ON YOUR OWN BLOG.Tell your readers a little bit about Konad Stamping Nail Art & what YOU like (or LOVE) about using it. If you don't have Konad or have never used Konad, then tell your readers why you want to try it! If possible, include a picture of a konadicure you have done.
2. Create a LINK TO MY BLOG.Introduce your readers to my new blog. How did you find my blog? What do you think about my blog? (I'll take the good & the "otherwise")
3. Comment at the bottom of this posting "this is my entry" (AFTER completing steps 1&2 ) so I know you have entered, and I can check out YOUR blog too!
4. Subscribe to my blog. If you are not already a follower, just click the "follow" link @ the top right of this page
If you do not have a blog then
FIRST) send me an email jdrunchkin@aol.com with your response to 1, & 2 (concerning my blog & what you think) ALONG WITH A PICTURE of a manicure/konadicure you have done. Ths means YOUR WORK, no stealing images! Really. Non-blog owners must include a picture (only 1 please) in your email to qualify. Be sure that you reference your "posting" nickname in your email so I know who you are (in the next step)
THEN) post a comment below " this is my non-blogger entry"....
FINALLY) Sunscribe to my blog. If you are not already a follower, just click the "follow" button @ the top right.
Your official entry IS your post below, whether you have a blogger or no-blogger entry. THIS is the list I will use for the drawing....so make sure your name is on it....& and that you have either posted to your blog or emailed me.
Good luck...& enjoy reading my blog in the meantime. Hey, you may even "become an addict" see link on right to become a follower.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Killer Swirl-m63

Pimped Out Purple!

I Love the way this konadicure turned out. I originally did this back in June for the ocnailart.com contest (sorry no step by step pics). Typically, I would have never even HAD this image plate in my collection...and I didn't. I borrowed it from a friend just to have something from the Konad "B kit." To my surprise, I loved this plate! There are a lot of designs I wonder about, seeing them on the computer is very different from seeing them on your nail...in a practical ,approachable, and "do-able" konadicure. So, my point is...many designs I have snubbed-actually work well on the nail. If you are ever wondering about an image...search the Internet blogs for a konadicure featuring that image plate. Or, you could always just request one from me. Hey, it would give me the opportunity to work with a design I haven't yet!

You will need two base colors (an extra for the accent nail). I used Savvy Deep Amethyst & Orley Dazzle. You will also need two stamping colors ( here, black & silver) and image plate m4.

2. Apply the first image to the top 1/3 of nail, I used silver on all but the accent nail. Black for the ring finger.

3. Apply the flower just below the first image on all nails in the same stamp color as the first image. Make sure they are parallel to the first design.
4. Apply crystal to the center of each flower.
Done & done!
Doesn't take much longer than a regular mani, but I think it looks awesome! Totally pimped out!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Gotta Have It!

m9) the swirl design ALONE is reson enough to buy this image plate. The star shaped flowers look great too. I like the design highlighted in green, as it works great on tips.
m36) You have to have this because of the arched design I love to use on the smile line ( highlighted green.) But I aslo love the center design & the butterflies!
m57) The entire thing rocks! Who doesn't love animal print! I love the two designs that can be used on tips too....gotta have this one!
m71) I just love the lacy veiled look. The fishnet flower one is amazing too, you'll recognize that from a previous post. Finally all the lace scalloped edges work amazing on tips, or when stampe on white over a shher pink nail , can substitute for a french manicure...much fast too!
So give my picks a look...you might decide you gotta have 'em too! Pair these discs with some basic colors of special konad polish like white, black, silver, black pearl, or even gold.
And don't forget to take advantage of the ocnailart.com coupon!
Basic Blue Rocks!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Another Basic Layered Design...That Looks Anthying BUT Basic!

You will need a base coat and gold & black polishes for the Konadding.

2. Using gold, stamp the fancy scalloped design on m57 along the bottom of nail, close to the cuticle. When I saw this design, I felt a little left out. My nails are so short, I thought it wouldn't work at the tips, but here's a great alternative!

4. then for nails 2-4, use the larger butterfly on m36. I stamped it on at an angle on the outside of each tip. This butterfly is too big for my pinkie, so I decided to use just the mini butterfly for the pinkie.
to pick up only one butterfly at a time, just paint that image on the plate, & scrape AWAY from the other butterfly. If you accidentally pick up some of another image, wipe it off the stamp before transferring to nail.
In 4 steps, your done with a layered konadicure. Very fancy...and easy...shhhh, no one will ever know!

Here I used the sparkle pink, a sheer pink, Konad SP in white & black, and ONLY ONE PLATE...m39. I think it is very versatile and really has what is now, my favorite butterfly. It is even small enough to fit on my 6 year old's nail.

1. Paint tips & accent nail (2 coats) with sparkle polish. Hooray you don't even have to clean the line, because the stamp on smile is wide enough to cover a sloppy smile (ha ha) Notice how the middle finger isn't perfect?
2. Paint bottom 1/2 of nail with the sheer pink.

Monday, July 13, 2009
Full Nail Design, M71

4 Steps to an Easy Stamped Tip Design.

Green Tip...Full Nail Design
I really like doing this, because it can cover a less than perfect smile. So, as the mani before, the main steps are:
base coat on tips
color tips (and full accent nail)
stamp over color
clean tip smile
apply blush to bottom 1/2 of french
stamp lower nail design
stamp smile line

Because I already took photos of these LONG before the birth of my blog, I don't have a step by step photo story. So, here I numbered the steps on the nail and below are the corresponding plate images.
Hope it's understandable.

2. Clean smile line and polish bottom 1/2 of nail with a clear blush (see previous post on how to make your own)
3. Stamp flowers from plate m25 on lower 1/2 of nail.
4. Use m36 to stamp over smile line. It is easier if you line up, then roll from one side to the other while peeking to make sure your lined up. It takes practice, so do that a few times before attempting this mani. Sucks to spend all that drying time to muff it up on on stamp!
5. Apply butterfly from plate m25 to the accent nail.
6. Finish nail with a black nail pen, dotting centers of flowers. I like using the same color as the smile design because I think it ties the colors together. Don't forget to finish with a clear coat! (careful not to smear your hard work!)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
French Tips...Using a Full Nail Plate Design

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Layered Gunmetal Mani

Gunmetal by Sally Hansen
Silver, black, & Konad black pearl (though I think its really difficult to tell the difference between black & black pearl?)

- Paint base coat
- using a silver polish, apply plate m39 design to tips. On your thumb, you will need to apply the design 2X. If you don’t line it up perfectly, don’t worry- you'll cover this with the m51 leaf swirl.
- Apply m32 design in black at bottom of nail, close to cuticle
- Top the outside corners with m51, using it to cover any imperfections

Tada !!! Hope you like this layered design.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This is My Collection

Over the years I had collected a few plates, and colors, just the basics. It wasn’t until recently that my addiction came to the forefront. I have 2 daughters, and now that they are old enough to tolerate me polishing & designing their nails, I do it all the time. I have a standing mani’s & pedi’s appointment with them every week. I just love doing their nails….oddly enough, I find it relaxing?!
My wonderful husband has been more than patient with my revived Kon-addiction. In fact he is an ENABLER! He surprised me 2 weeks ago with the ENTIRE Professional Salon Kit! OC Nail Art (wwwocnailart.com) was having a contest…I did nails everyday to create enough designs for the entries, hoping I might be lucky enough to win the grand prize of the Pro-Salon Kit. Sadly ;0( I did not win. He felt so bad for me, as he new I was anticipating the results and hoping I may get lucky. He collaborated with Kathleen @ oc nail art to surprise me with my own salon case! Aren’t they awesome? Kathleen did her best to help make sure I didn’t have any duplicates. I now have a VERY complete kit. I’m a very lucky girl.
Crystal Caviar Cuticles
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I'm so excited to show you fellow Konaddicts what I mean! I discovered this a little while back, (about a month ago...
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