I do like the coral colored seahorse though.

What I used was: M16, M27 Konad SP in white, metalic black, and pastel orange...which really is a coral color
1. Paint base color
2. Stamp bubles 2X on each nail, one @ the cuticle & one at the tips.
3. Alternate variose designs as you wish on each nail. Using the bubbles on each nail as a base brings unity to the design, allowing it to all "match" even while using different colors & designs.
I didn't photo each step when I did her nails, so....no step by step demo. But really, its all just layering freestyle, so you get the point?
That is too cute! I love them!
You are so skillful! :)
aww so pretty!
so cute, I didnt like the fish plate before but you make it so pretty
Ah, this is cute! I like the seahorse!
Thank you for following my blog and posting it among your Amazing nail polish blogs. I feel so flattered I cannot tell, you have the most amazing konadicures and nails yourself<3
That's so creative and very well coordinated!
Those came out really cute! I am even more tempted to get the fish designs now. I love the layered look and the coral color of the seahorse. Thanks for showing those!
This is really adorable. I love the seahorse. Very cute.
The spots on the birthday nails are cute. Love to see more designs but it's been a week since you last posted, are you really a nail art addict? Hem...
Well, I assure you "anonymous" I have a LIST of other things that fill my life, outside of blogging & painting nails.
I too, wish I had more time to upload my images. It was my daughters first week of 1st grade, along with starting at a new dance studio, and registering my youngest for mommy n me's.
I wonder if you know that not only do I polish, photo, upload to compter, edit, digitallly scrap, then convert/flatten, save, upload, then finally blog on the design. All these steps take me a while...i'm a perfectionist, & as much as I love nail designing, I also like digital scrapping. I CREATE my elements and word art ect.... or recreate from others, but it is ALWAYS something i need to modify, size, recolor ect.
Have you had an opportunity to visit some of the other wonderful nail art blogs out there? Hoping those might satiate your appetite for designs, while post inbetween my little thing called LIFE & FAMILY.
I am sooooo apprciative for those of you who follow my blog. & even more appreciative of those of you who are patient & understanding of the fact that this is my hobby (unpromoted/unpaid/subsidized) that I do, when all other things, chores, errands,& people pulling me in different direction are done. If I haven't blogged..you can bet I'm dying to...anticipating SOME ME TIME so I can relax & fart around on the coputer to design & blog.
So thank you again, here comes the pics of Alex's first day of school Ive been dieing to share!!!!
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